Impeditive Factors for Obtaining Paraguayan Documentation
Criminal History
To obtain your Paraguayan documentation, you cannot have a criminal record, so you must present the following documents without any negative records:
Criminal record certificate from the country of origin.
Criminal record certificate from Interpol.
Criminal record certificate from the Paraguayan National Computer Police.
Invalid Documentation
All documents submitted must be valid, original and complete.
Important: Paraguay does not accept documents issued more than 10 years ago. In this case, the applicant must arrange for new documents to be issued by their government before starting the process.
Medical Risk Conditions
Medical conditions that pose a risk to public health may be an impediment to the granting of Paraguayan documentation.
History of Deportation or Expulsion
A history of deportation or expulsion from other countries may be considered an impediment to documentation in Paraguay.
Tax Default in Paraguay
Tax issues within Paraguay may prevent you from obtaining the documentation.
Tax issues in your home country should not interfere with the process.
Threat to National Security
Individuals listed as a threat to national security or public order are not eligible to apply for Paraguayan documentation.